Happy New Year Happy New Mantra
The other day, a writer I admire immensely and who is also a friend in the social media realm posted about the freelance life. It definitely does have it's ups and downs and challenges, this independent road. Thus, the importance of being vocal and self promotional and being your own best advocate is of vital importance. For myself and for many of us it seems the need for a community of some sort never goes away, no matter what the level of independence might be. So these words I saw on my computer screen resonated with me and I had to letter them up and am calling them my mantra for 2016. 'Always Complain, Never Surrender'. Ha! Complaining might be done to your friends about not getting a quote that you asked for, or not being paid on time, or of being told for the thousandth time that the only payment for the gig is the 'good exposure' it will bring you. The gigs that offer nothing to complain about are the most amazing of course. Hopefully, I and my freelance community will be abuzz about all the fantastic clients we are getting in 2016 rather than complaining and needing advice on how to deal with the other kinds. Happy new year!!!