Inktober: Nostalgia edition: Beer Business

My grandfather in Nashville had a very distinctive and strong southern accent, not far off from a foghorn leghorn sort of drawl. Since my dad was killed when I was six months old, I spent more time with grandparents than I guess a lot of kids with two parents do. I'd like to say we were close, but he was very old school and didn't understand my not-old-school ways, so our relationship was complicated and something I am still working on figuring out. Regardless, I loved him and respected him bunches whether he knew it or not. I think he did. He spent part of his life working for Falstaff beer, and I heard him talk about the 'beeeah biness' in that way of his so many times. Wish I could still hear him say it. inktober: whatimiss: beerbiz


Special Occasion Wine


Inktober: nostalgia edition